Artist Statement
Emotions controlled
Energy contained
The face I show the world…My facade
I conform to the world around me to be accepted
To exist unencumbered and without inviting friction
But on the inside…I am a watcher, an observer
I see in a unique way
Details, colors, shapes, nuances
With the eye of an artist
I feel the rhythm
Energy, and emotion
Of the world around me
A creator
Adding graphite to blank paper…Smearing and smudging
Paint to canvas…Color and light
Images that take shape externally…In the world
And come to life from an internal place
Inside myself
With my eyes and my hands as instruments
Breathing life into my creations…Images, photographs
Capturing a singular moment and place in time
Following my destiny…Leaving my distinctive influence on the world
Forever altering reality, the natural rhythm of life, and the future
By my existence…My energy
Manifesting my voice
Leaving my mark
Documenting my existence for posterity…with my art
-Michelle Kerschner-Crow
Emotions controlled
Energy contained
The face I show the world…My facade
I conform to the world around me to be accepted
To exist unencumbered and without inviting friction
But on the inside…I am a watcher, an observer
I see in a unique way
Details, colors, shapes, nuances
With the eye of an artist
I feel the rhythm
Energy, and emotion
Of the world around me
A creator
Adding graphite to blank paper…Smearing and smudging
Paint to canvas…Color and light
Images that take shape externally…In the world
And come to life from an internal place
Inside myself
With my eyes and my hands as instruments
Breathing life into my creations…Images, photographs
Capturing a singular moment and place in time
Following my destiny…Leaving my distinctive influence on the world
Forever altering reality, the natural rhythm of life, and the future
By my existence…My energy
Manifesting my voice
Leaving my mark
Documenting my existence for posterity…with my art
-Michelle Kerschner-Crow